Safe Exercises For Spinal Stenosis Is Walking A Safe Form Of Exercise For People With Spinal Stenosis?

Is walking a safe form of exercise for people with spinal stenosis? - safe exercises for spinal stenosis

Walls, the cheapest and best form of exercise that you do.Perhaps were in your situation is better with a belt with a guard rails.In any case, it is advisable to consult medical advice.Good Luck


Robert W said...

Regular walking can shake spinal stenosis. However, no other way to "walk" with the exercise bike. This reduces the pressure of nearly 40% to a safe and effective workout guaranteed.

There are also means more work for this condition. There are yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, aqua therapy and swimming.

But please do not take my answer as a professional, contact a doctor or a physical before doing anything.

morggiep... said...

I think it is a question for the doctor.

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